Support our church by giving a monetary donation. With God’s help, these donations will help us continue to reach our congregation, our church community, and the wider surrounding community as well. We thank you for your generosity!

Fill out your offering envelope clearly and drop it with your donation in to the collection basket during Sunday services.

Pre-Authorized Giving (P.A.G.) allows you to set a monthly amount to automatically give and opt out at anytime. This is a growing popular giving choice in the Diocese of Toronto.

Donate through Interac e-Transfer with your online banking. Send to nativitymalvern@toronto.anglican.ca and add your name, email and address. Please add “referral: website” in notes.
Donations of $20 or more are eligible for tax receipts.
Please contact our administration to set up PAG or for more info: nativitymalvern@toronto.anglican.ca